13 Questions To Ask Yourself When Setting Goals and Implementing New Habits

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Written in teal: New Habits

Anytime I feel myself slacking on my goals or getting complacent in life I tell myself this:

​”How you do one thing in life is how you do everything.”

​That line kicks me in the ass every time.

​It’s easy to just fall into old habits, make excuses, or just let life get in the way. But I am here to tell you there is a solution and a self check you can do whenever you need it.

​13 Questions to guide your goals and implement new habits:

  1. What is working?
  2. Where are you most confident?
  3. What keeps you engaged?
  4. Are you measuring progress?
  5. Could you be doing things more skillfully?
  6. Does this progress mean anything to you?
  7. Are your exceptions realistic?
  8. Could something be refined or improved?
  9. Are you focused on actions and behaviors?
  10. Is the task too easy?
  11. Is the task too difficult?
  12. Could routines be streamlined?
  13. Could you be doing it more consistently?

​​These are all questions I ask my nutrition clients during our accountability calls.

​It’s important to not only make sure that the work is being put in, but also to make sure that it is being done well.

​Anything worth doing is worth doing right!

​Take action: Pick a goal or habit you want to start and answer all of the questions above.

If you already have a goal and feel like you are reaching a plateau then these questions are just what you need.

As you navigate these questions, listen to your inner thoughts and eliminate these words if they happen to come up.

​Remember, the way you do one thing in life is how you do everything.

​Feel free to adopt that!


​​PS. Sometimes all you need is a guide. Someone to keep you in check and hold you accountable. Book a time on my calendar in three easy steps to see what the power of a plan and accountability can do for you!

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