It’s Time To Unwind: Best Way to Shift Gears From Work

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Woman relaxing in white robe in an infrared sauna

Unwind Your Mind

Figuring out a way to balance your work and personal life sure feels increasingly difficult these days, no matter what industry you’re in. 

Even if you work from home, or are a solopreneur, and you have no one else to answer to, it should be easy to shift gears, right? 

Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. In fact, it can actually be harder for those who work from home to strike a healthy balance because the lines are more blurred.

Therefore, regardless of your day-to-day work life, you most likely agree that we all struggle sometimes to switch gears, unwind and de-stress our mind and enter that state of relaxation.

Consider a Change of Scenery

My favorite way to unwind and decompress is by changing the environment.

It’s best if I get out of the house, get away from the phone, and allow something else to distract me besides my thoughts.

The takeaway for all the busy workers out there is that it is good to have a restorative place you can visit, perhaps even during a busy work day or when you feel that stress piling on.

Enter the Infrared Sauna

An infrared sauna is a classic sweatbox, but the heat comes from panels of invisible light compared to hot coals.

Infrared light is safe.

Unlike a traditional sauna, an infrared sauna works to heat you from the inside out by penetrating deeper than just the surface.

10 Infrared Sauna Benefits I Love:

  1. Boost immunity
  2. Relieve pain and stiffness
  3. Boost cardiovascular health
  4. Burns tons of calories
  5. Relieves stress
  6. Clears skin through perspiration
  7. Increases circulation
  8. Sharpens the senses
  9. Revitalizes the mind
  10. It’s a great place to meet new people!

Relax and Unwind with Infrared Sauna

Going to the sauna a couple of nights a week allows me to separate my days from work –> relax.

At the end of most days, we’re desperate to unwind and get some “me” time. And if you’ve never stepped into an infrared sauna – this is your call.

It’s like taking off your shoes or setting down your bag after a long day of travel.

It’s a pattern interrupt.

Take Your Sauna Experience to the Next Level with these additional tips:

My complete guide to Infrared Sauna

If you love the heat and haven’t tried the infrared sauna, I highly recommend you try it out!

Krista Large

Do you live in Austin, Texas?

PS. If you live in Austin, then come by the Ocean Lab and check out the infrared saunas. You can book an appointment here and under the promo code for being on my email list, type in “livinglarge” for $20 off your first order.

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