I can’t shut off my brain. Can you relate?
Breaking the habit of overthinking can be difficult.
Since I run a business, I am continually thinking of my clients and new ways to improve.
Sometimes I’ll be doing something mindless like making tea, getting dressed, folding laundry, and my mind will be thinking about money, appointments, or other tasks that need to get done.
Overthinking = Stress
These distractions are pretty innocent and natural until the thoughts start to produce overwhelm, anxiety and stress.
According to the National Science Foundation, an average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day.
Of those, 80% are harmful, and 95% are repetitive thoughts.
Do you see how easy it is to let the brain overthink and go down a negative thought spiral?
My friend Tyler lives in Miami and also runs a business.
I asked him if he ever has trouble turning off his brain, and he told me this:

“Be where your feet are”
If you are at the gym, be at the gym, not on Instagram.
If you are on vacation, unplug, don’t think about work or be working.
If you are eating, be with your food, not on your cell phone or TV.
If you are driving, look at the road, not your texts.
The more we can be in the moment, the more we can block out stressful thought patterns.
Be Present.
Make the conscious choice to not worry about the future or dwell on the past!
This is a reminder to BE PRESENT with life because it’s happening right now and right now only.
Practice NOT thinking, be in the moment, and feel more in control and at peace.
PS. If you want help with your routine, I invite you to join my 90-day transformation challenge!
Together we will explore your goals, and I will learn about your current lifestyle habits and how we can address each one for optimization.
This program is all-encompassing. We dive into what you are doing for fitness, the quality of your sleep, how well you manage stress, what you are eating, and your overall health.
Click right here to learn more about what my clients have said about working with me.
There is no commitment necessary or charge for talking to me. Together let’s explore your true potential.
Don’t ever hesitate in life. Yesterday is over, and tomorrow won’t always be there; right now, you have the power to change your life!
What does living large look like to you?